Tangerine by Christine Mangan

A novel split between two main characters (Alice and Lucy) and two time lines (Vermont--the past and Tangiers--the present). Sort of...all set in the 1950's although the prologue is Alice after the events of the novel and I'm not exactly sure where she ended up. Don't want to spoil the story but it owes a lot to '50's noir and kept thinking about The Talented Mr. Ripley. Almost there but kept wishing for more clarity...but maybe this wasn't what the author was going for, who knows. Yet another tangled fevered mess--why am I attracting this sort of book in 2024???

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Left Neglected by Lisa Genova

I really enjoyed this book. It was reading time well spent. The story revolves around a type A working mother who must entirely reinvent her life after a traumatic brain injury steals her awareness of her entire left side. I remember being a fan of Still Alice and look forward to reading more from this author. 

These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner

Subtitle: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine 18881-1901

In honor of 2024's international Woman's Month I decided to devote some reading time to some unsung females and their often heroic contributions to history--even if most of their accomplishments were often shoved "under the rug".

This is a fictional diary of a brave frontier woman in the Arizona Territories. It is sad, full of struggles, but happiness and triumphs as well. I love a good epistolary style novel so of course this will reside on my forever shelf. Plus it was a "lucky" read as I found a four leaf clover pressed between the pages. Just another reason to buy used books.


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