The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison

I found this series while searching for a book to read for "May" so as to continue by Book of the Month Club and May categories. This book is the first entry in this author's "Collectors" series and I look forward to continuing on with this series with "The Roses of May". Reading time well spent...a dark twisty read.

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Artifacts of Death by Rich Curtin

Book One in this author's Manny Rivera series. I found this murder mystery series while searching for a "February" title to continue my Book of the Month and February Categories. In order to read February Files (2nd in the series) I needed to start with this one. A series set in Utah's canyon country has been reading time well spent and I look forward to reading more from this author.

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The Obelisk Gate by N. K. Jemisin

This is the second installment in this author's Broken Earth Trilogy, this book starts where "The Fifth Season" left off, and continues an ever fascinating series. This author is incredibly gifted in her seemingl effortless world building. I look forward to reading the conclusion of this trilogy and indeed all of her books.

Hi! I'm Debbie. Here at Categorically Well-Read I give an extra layer to the reading life. Learn more about me, check out my current category of books, submit your own suggestion, or check out my latest post.