Circling the Sun by Paula McLain

I read and loved Ms. McLain's "The Paris Wife"-- in fact I think I may have read it twice by accident. So it was a no-brainer that I picked this book up out of $2 bargain bin as soon as it was spotted, and put on a TBR shelf. How delightful to find it nestled away just in time to perfectly fit into this category. It is without a doubt one the best books in this category--and this category is chocked full of must reads.

Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill with Dan Piepenbring

When I was in the sixth grade, much to my teacher's dismay, I wrote a book report on Vincent Bugliosi's "Helter Skelter" and the allegations that the lyrics of the Beatles inspired the Mason murders. So when my grown son asked if I would read this book so that he would have someone to discuss it with--I quickly said yes and dived right in. I read this during the summer of 2020 and while the title didn't quite fit into my reading arc--it certainly fit into the chaotic times. Absolutely fascinating read--I completely understand how the author became totally obsessed with his research.

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