Categorical Reading Lists

Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver

Ms. Kingsolver is a very popular writer with legions of fans, but unfortunately this book did not turn me into a fan girl. It is split into two separate stories. One in the past and somewhat based in the actual history of Vineland, NJ--post Civil War, and one set in 2016, on the cusp of the first Trump presidency. Both of these parallel stories revolve around time spent in the same rundown house on the corner of Plum and Vine. I feel sorry for the house.

I found the portions set in the past slightly more enjoyable but the portion set in 2016 featured a WHINY miserable woman surrounded by a bunch of cliche characters. The book spans the length of time each family spent living in this house. 

If I didn't already have Demon Copperhead sitting in a TBR stack--truth be told--I wouldn't be wasting anymore of my precious reading time with Ms. Kingsolver. I'm sure she won't miss me.

As a woman sitting on the cusp of the 2nd Trump presidency-- I'm not really in the mood to read allegorical laments about the "American Dream". I imagine it will be enough to simply live through it...

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