The second installment in Mr. Curtin's--Manny Rivera Series. The series continues to be clever with interesting mysteries admist the grandeur of the Utah back country.
The second installment in Mr. Curtin's--Manny Rivera Series. The series continues to be clever with interesting mysteries admist the grandeur of the Utah back country.
Book #4 in the Larry Macklin series. Larry is freshly back on the force and on the trail of a serial killer that has resurfaced after 15 years. Does Larry solve this or is it just another instance of accidently being the right place at the right time... Like these books regardless.
Second book in the Harry McCoy Scottish noir series and they just keep getting better--can't wait to March on...
Set right before American joined WWII - a glimpse into the literary and creative world of NYC at that time. These were apparently "top dogs" during those years. Some of the names I vaguely recognized but mostly not--didn't really care for any of them. It all seemed to play into the trope--if you want to be creative it pays to be tortured, an alcoholic, perhaps gay, depressed, a trifle insane and insecure--then by golly you must be a genius. What do I know I haven't read or listened to or watched or saw any of their works--nor am I likely to. But this book was very well written and gave a fascinating look at who was who at that time.
Other reviewers seemed to not like this book--it is grim and sad but I mean after all it is a book about woman grieving the tragic loss of her husband after he was lost at sea. I found it to be a compelling well written book.
One of my reading projects is known as Book of the Month Club where my goal read a book with that particular month in the title for as long as the books hold out. I have separated out my reads into each month as it just looks cleaner that way.