Categorical Reading Lists


A woman's name that found itself reserving a category all to itself--and yes perhaps I collected a couple too many books about Eleanor Roosevelt. I doubt it though.

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton

A book that dovetails neatly into many of my categories. Readers/ reviewers seem to be divided on what to make of this book. I fall on the side of "loved it" with a few caveats.

I loved the old fashioned language, niceities (sp) and the little synopsis of chapters at the beginning of each. The mystery was compelling and the plot was complex, it kept me engaged throughout.

Caveat--it was extremely long, I kept losing the thread that entwined the characters together. To me, it left several plot points and characters dangling--but it could have been me losing that thread yet again. Not sure I still really understand it. The author ended several plot lines by killing the characters in the middle of their story.

Caveat--I did not understand the zodiac charts (at all) nor did I understand their importance to the story or plot. While I do have a category devoted to the Zodiac and the Zodiac signs--I myself don't read my horoscope nor have I ever had my chart read.

Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume One 1884-1933 by Blanche Wiesen Cook

Over the last couple of years I have read many a book in which Eleanor Roosevelt played a part--it made me curious to read more about her incredible life. Ms. Cook wrote a massive, pretty definitive, three volume series that chronicles her life from birth to death. This volume closes as FDR becomes president. After I was halfway through this book a new biography of Eleanor was published that tells her whole story in one book. I bought it also and plan on reading it after I finish Ms. Wise's three volumes as that author had access to new documents.

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

A teeny bopper romance. I will say I liked it so much more than my other recent teeny bopper romance--Tell Me Three Things. I connected more with Eleanor and Park and their disfunctional lives. It was a darker story and was a fast read. 

Hi! I'm Debbie. Here at Categorically Well-Read I give an extra layer to the reading life. Learn more about me, check out my current category of books, submit your own suggestion, or check out my latest post.