Categorical Reading Lists

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

In a bit of a coincidence my son and I bought this book at the same time, myself because I needed a book for my August category and he at the recommendation of a friend. We both really enjoyed the book and would read more from this author. A rather clever take on time travel with a shade to Schrodinger's cat of quantum physics fame. Once I stopped trying to figure out the math and physics I enjoyed it even more. The author does tie the ending up in neat little bow, but for myself I would have enjoyed traveling with Harry into his next fifteen lives. 

The Seventh Girl by Andy Maslen

This book is part of series revolving around Detective Kat Ballantyne. I don't want to spoil this for other readers as I may just be getting overly picky about my reading preferences.

I did not relate to the main character --at all. Very hypocritical both at work and in her personal life--which seems to be quite the "go to" writing trope in detective writing these days. Actions of others = very black or white, depending on whether she agrees with you or NOT. Her actions = justifiable and a very light shade of gray, if you don't agree then, of course, you are wrong.

I did not get the plotting. I won't say more as I don't want to potentially spoil another readers reading time with spoilers. In my own opinion, it didn't make a lot of sense. It was a quick read for all that-- but I won't be spending any more of my precious reserve of reading time with this author.

First, Second, Third...

A category devoted to the ordinal numbers whether they are expressed as 1st, 2nd, 3rd or as First, Second, Third and soon all as long as the titles hold out as readable choices.

1ST Case by James Patterson

I confess it has been quite some time since I cracked open a James Patterson book. As I recall there was a time that I quite enjoyed his books. There might still be a niche in his catalog that would suit my taste--he has certainly been prolific in my absence. Perhaps I will give his upcoming collaboration with J. D. Barker (really enjoyed Barkers's 4MK triology) a spin. This one is unfortunately not for me--don't get me wrong--it is fast paced and easily readable....but...19 year old know it all rookies...who just have to have sexual relations with their much older superior officer...very hard to stomach.

The Second Deadly Sin by Asa Larsson

For the most part I enjoyed this book. It was given to me by a friend. It is a translation from Swedish: a Nordic thriller and the Ms. Larsson admits in her author's note at the back of the book that she struggled getting this book to come together. Later in the series of books she has written featuring Rebekka Martinsson and while I'm sure it's me "not her" that I didn't really connect with the story.

The Third Wife by Lisa Jewell

First book I've read by this author, surprising as she has written so many. While this book never quite hit its stride I enjoyed it nevertheless. I look forward to reading more by this author. And this is one of her more quirkier books--according to the author herself.

The Fourth Friend by Joy Ellis

2023 has turned out to be a lot. In times of stress I read a lot BUT I don't retain a has been that kind of a year to put it mildly.

I enjoyed this book. I plan on reading more from this author. Nicely plotted and an intriguing story.

The Fourth Monkey by J. D. Barker

Dark as books about serial killers often are... I enjoyed this book. I believe it is the beginning of a series and I am definitely interested in reading more from this author.

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin

This is the first book in Ms. Jemisin's "Broken Earth" series. It has been awhile since have read books in the fantasy genre. Glad my taste for fantasy has come back around. A very good read and I am looking forward to reading the entire series. In fact I am most likely continue to read books from this author. Intricate plot and very well developed alternate world building.

The Fifth to Die by J.D. Barker

The second book in the 4MK triology. I was a bit worried as it had been sometime since I read the first book (The Fourth Monkey Killer) but the author provided enough backstory for me to plow on. Deeper and more complex. Very interested to read the final installment and how this all plays out.

The Sixth Wicked Child by J.D. Barker

This book marks the conclusion of the 4MK trilogy. This outing marks the end of a very satisfying series of books. It never disappoints. Reading time very well spent. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

Tenth Of December by George Saunders


This is a book that sat on one of my shelves for many years. I needed a book for December so I decided that I would give it a go. Currently I am working a side gig as a nanny and needed something to read during nap times. I had been reading epistolary novels but thought that short stories might work as well to fill this time. 

Full disclosure, I am generally not a fan of the short story genre. This collection did not change my mind--I liked some of the stories and there is no doubt that he is a good author but... most of the stories popped out of nowhere into very dark versions of the world--starting in the middle and randomly ending well before the end of the story. In other words just as I am getting invested in the characters and the premise--the story ends. 

Hi! I'm Debbie. Here at Categorically Well-Read I give an extra layer to the reading life. Learn more about me, check out my current category of books, submit your own suggestion, or check out my latest post.