Categorical Reading Lists

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

In a bit of a coincidence my son and I bought this book at the same time, myself because I needed a book for my August category and he at the recommendation of a friend. We both really enjoyed the book and would read more from this author. A rather clever take on time travel with a shade to Schrodinger's cat of quantum physics fame. Once I stopped trying to figure out the math and physics I enjoyed it even more. The author does tie the ending up in neat little bow, but for myself I would have enjoyed traveling with Harry into his next fifteen lives. 

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

The sequel to one of my favorite books (Ready Player One) and while this was a little slower to get into and a little heavy into the "Purple One" I did enjoy it. But like Wade by the end I think I have spent enough time in the Oasis. And yes, my son had to explain the ending to me...

The Wager by David Grann

Subtitle: A Tale Of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder

Very good book. Reading time well spent. The true (at least according to the survivors) tale surrounding the shipwreck of The Wager, it makes for a very compelling read. I look forward to reading more from this author--although I am a little apprehensive as he is the author of "The Killers of the Flower Moon".

Due to a snafu at the airport I ended up reading almost an entire book, flight delay turned into unexpected reading time, so I needed another book once I got to my destination. I knew this book was on a Vignovic book shelf (not that he has read it yet) so I scooped it up and read it myself.

Spoonbenders by Daryl Gregory

This book set on my TBR shelf for several years, it was sent to me by my husband. For the record, he is late to the party, and only started a reading habit in the last couple of years, and as with the majority of new converts--they want one to immediately read and enjoy the books they read. Most likely this explains my reluctance to pick up this book, that and the fact that it is about a telepathic family--some with actual talent and some who just fake it. It just didn't seem to be my cup of tea. Well, turns out I was glad I finally cracked the cover as this book turned out to be a very entertaining read. Definitely reading time well spent.

The Guns of August by Barbara W. Tuchman

This book won a Pulitzer Prize in 1963. I have read other of her books and I credit "A Distant Mirror" for igniting my love of reading history. For the most part, this book does a fine job painting a picture of the first month of WWI, left me needing more. I do give myself credit for the selfless forced march I took on to slog through to the end of this book. It is mostly compelling reading but it does bog down in parts.

It is a top down look from the perspective of the bumbling, weepy, arrogant idiots --oops my bad-- the fine moustachioed gentleman who were in charge of making goverment, diplomatic, and battlefield decisions.  

Since this book was writtten much more is known and much more has been written. Off to the trenches...

Midnight Bowling by Quinn Dalton

2023 has turned out to be a lot. In times of stress I read a lot BUT I don't retain a has been that kind of a year to put it mildly.

This book was recommended/sent to me by my husband, he thought I would like it--even though he had not read it himself. Not sure if he has even read it since I did, so much for book club.

I don't remember all the fine details of the plot and truthfully I thought it would be more about bowling--instead it is more of dark character study. 

The Martian by Andy Weir

The is the second time I have read this book. I have also seen the movie (Matt Damon does a great job). My son and did a little book clubbing this summer. We both give this a thumbs up.

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

By far my favorite read in 2023 and as much as I enjoyed The Martian I liked this book even more, beginning to end a great read.

Hi! I'm Debbie. Here at Categorically Well-Read I give an extra layer to the reading life. Learn more about me, check out my current category of books, submit your own suggestion, or check out my latest post.