Categorical Reading Lists

Libra by Don DeLillo

Books with the signs of the Zodiac in their titles are proving to be a bit elusive after Martha C. Lawrence stopped writing her pyschic private investigator series mid way through the astrological signs--really really really miss those books. Especially as it turns out that the majority of the remaining book options are sex, romance, S&M, and/or serial killer related. I persevere. And yes, fufilling this category is the only reason I picked up this book.

Part fact, part fictional speculation on the assassination of John F. Kennedy by a reknowned critically acclaimed author that was controversial when it was first published. The writing style is very choppy and the author quickly flicks from character to character, from past to the present, and from fact to speculation. I finished it but found it difficult to read and put it down multiple times.

I was only a couple of years old when JFK was assassignated so mostly I don't know enough to distinguish between fact and mere speculation--nor do I care too. However, I caught mysel several times fact checking and looking up non-fictional accounts of that fateful day in Dallas. 

I will not be reading anymore of this author--and blame him for sparking an interest in reading more about the known vs. the conspiracy theories.

If you want great fiction regarding this infamous assassignation I recommend reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King.

The conspiracy theory "further reading" title that most intrigued me: The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case against LBJ by Roger Stone and Mike Colapietro

Aquarius Descending by Martha C. Lawrence

If you do not like spoilers of any sort--please do not read any further.

I consider my self lucky to have read this series out of order because at least I wasn't totally blindsided by the ending of this book. It was hard enough to read even knowing what was to come. Good read nontheless.

Ashes of Aries by Martha C. Lawrence

This is my final outing with Elizabeth Chase, psychic detective, and I am more than a little sad. I will miss her. While Martha C. Lawrence is a fabulous writer, she, alas, lost her enthusiam for writing fiction after September 11, 2001. She even completed a book tour for this last book in the immediate aftermath of these terrorist attacks, which must have been surreal to say the least. Thankfully for her, she has found success and happiness in "behind the scene" writing. Maybe some day...

I really enjoyed reading this book. Good plot. I would have happily read my way through the whole zodiac had this series continued.


Murder in Scorpio by Martha C. Lawrence

I am reading this series out of order, which hasn't been much of a problem. This title is I believe the first in the series involving parapsychologist detective Elizabeth Chase, and while it would have been nice having known all this back story while I was reading the other installments--I am glad to have it now. Alas the author stopped writing so I only have I believe one more book to read. Boy do I wish she had taken a full spin around the zodiac.

Pisces Rising by Martha C. Lawrence

Once again reading this series out of order, but in my defence the sign Pisces does come after Capricorn. Turns out I am glad for two reasons, without giving any spoilers I'm definitely glad I have a heads up about some the happenings in the previous book. And two it is easy to keep up with the action as her books almost read as stand alone titles. This book makes me regret that I only have three more before I have to say goodby to Elizabeth Chase and that I am going to have to look elsewhere to complete this Zodiac themed category.

The Cold Heart of Capricorn by Martha C. Lawrence

Elizabeth Chase is a reluctant psychic and a private eye. Another quirky single female ala Kinsey Millhone. There are at least four books involving Ms. Chase, all titled with a zodiac sign--but apparently the author stopping writing after 9/11. Here is hoping she sits back down at the typewriter as she is very good at her craft. Because it was January and Capricorn is my sign..I read this book out of order.

The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton

A book that dovetails neatly into many of my categories. Readers/ reviewers seem to be divided on what to make of this book. I fall on the side of "loved it" with a few caveats.

I loved the old fashioned language, niceities (sp) and the little synopsis of chapters at the beginning of each. The mystery was compelling and the plot was complex, it kept me engaged throughout.

Caveat--it was extremely long, I kept losing the thread that entwined the characters together. To me, it left several plot points and characters dangling--but it could have been me losing that thread yet again. Not sure I still really understand it. The author ended several plot lines by killing the characters in the middle of their story.

Caveat--I did not understand the zodiac charts (at all) nor did I understand their importance to the story or plot. While I do have a category devoted to the Zodiac and the Zodiac signs--I myself don't read my horoscope nor have I ever had my chart read.

Hi! I'm Debbie. Here at Categorically Well-Read I give an extra layer to the reading life. Learn more about me, check out my current category of books, submit your own suggestion, or check out my latest post.