Subtitle: How Neuropsychology is Catching up to Buddhism
If reading about how the brain actually functions is something you are drawn to--then I highly recommend this book. As the back blurb says: Read this book and you will never view "self help" the same way again. I agree as "self help" usually gives me the "ick" and it's go to cure all: diet and exercise.
Looking at the concept of Anatta "no self" through Buddhist eyes only, I never fully understood how this could be a truth. However, adding in recent findings from neuropsychology that also suggest that our sense of self is an illusion--one that is created by the left side of the brain--a mirage in the desert. I find having learned the science of Anatta has made a real difference in my level of understanding. There are helpful exercises at the end of each chapter.
This one goes on my forever shelf and I will definitely be reading it again in 2025, there is a lot to absorb.