I'll Be Gone in the Dark (One Woman's Search...) by Michelle McNamara

Ms. McNamara became obsessed with trying to find the identity of The Golden State Killer. I became obsessed with the author's back story as it's a little infamous in and of itself. She was the wife of the actor Patton Oswald, became obsessed with true crime starting in her teens with the yet unsolved mystery of the death of a young girl in her childhood neighborhood. She became a true crime journalist and managed the website True Crime Diary. Alas Michelle died suddenly while she was writing this book, it was pieced together by members of her research team and published after her death. And yep I did some googling, accidental overdose (too many pills + a heart condition). She never uncovered the identity of the killer but it is thought that her research kept the case alive. The killer was ultimately traced by DNA evidence thanks to the development of website companies such as Ancestory and 23&Me. He is prison.

Womanly Endeavors

A category devoted to books with Woman/Women in the their titles. An abundance of such books exist so I am sure to keep adding more books to this category 

The Woman In Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

This is the second book I have read by this author and while I find them speedy reads I find them just okay. Not sure I will spend more reading time with the author. 

A Study In Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas

The beginning of a series featuring Charlotte Holmes--a womanly take on Sherlock Holmes. I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be reading more. In fact I am piling up a "Conspiracy" category in honor of CH#2 A Conspiracy in Belgravia so do stay tuned in for more TBR  stacks.

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