This book is part of series revolving around Detective Kat Ballantyne. I don't want to spoil this for other readers as I may just be getting overly picky about my reading preferences.
I did not relate to the main character --at all. Very hypocritical both at work and in her personal life--which seems to be quite the "go to" writing trope in detective writing these days. Actions of others = very black or white, depending on whether she agrees with you or NOT. Her actions = justifiable and a very light shade of gray, if you don't agree then, of course, you are wrong.
I did not get the plotting. I won't say more as I don't want to potentially spoil another readers reading time with spoilers. In my own opinion, it didn't make a lot of sense. It was a quick read for all that-- but I won't be spending any more of my precious reserve of reading time with this author.