Categorical Reading Lists

When The Bough Breaks by Jonathan Kellerman

Here is an author that has written a great many books--his Alex Delaware series is at least 30+ books long. I was hoping for a lot of good reading--I love a good series. This is the first book and was published in 1985. And I realize that some would write off his phraseology as a symptom of his age and time--how I simply get past that a psychologist, especially one of Dr. Delaware's suppoded stature, would refer to the mentally challenged as retards, refer to a physically challenged man as a gimp, an Asian woman as an Oriental and a physically deformed person as a harelip--not to mention his sexist writing about women. I am not a particularly PC person but I found this hard to swallow. I won't even get into the ridiculous nature of the plot, I will simply say that this author is not for me.

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