Trails of Deception by Rich Curtin

Manny Rivera Mystery #3

I am really enjoying this series thus far. I appreciate the simplicity of the language and the storytelling. Hope his writing remains this way and I am definitely reading more from this author. 

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The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison

I found this series while searching for a book to read for "May" so as to continue by Book of the Month Club and May categories. This book is the first entry in this author's "Collectors" series and I look forward to continuing on with this series with "The Roses of May". Reading time well spent...a dark twisty read.

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Artifacts of Death by Rich Curtin

Book One in this author's Manny Rivera series. I found this murder mystery series while searching for a "February" title to continue my Book of the Month and February Categories. In order to read February Files (2nd in the series) I needed to start with this one. A series set in Utah's canyon country has been reading time well spent and I look forward to reading more from this author.

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