Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin

Really glad I stumbled across this book while I was searching for "healing through gardening" reads. A French novel about redemption, grief, and new beginnings. Told through several perspectives and all revolve around Violette who after a tragedy becomes a caretaker for a small rural cemetary. If I can find more of Ms. Perrin's novels translated from French I will definitely continue to read her novels. Most definitely reading time well spent.

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Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner

This book was interesting enough to keep me reading although by the end it was fairly convoluted. I don't really want to give any spoilers but sometimes I just don't get the length that writer's imagine people will go to--all to remain in a relationship, and normally with person I can't see has any real appeal. Don't think I will read anymore from this author.

June by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore

This book was not my usual type of read, it mostly felt like I was reading a Hallmark movie. I like the part set in the past more than I liked "real time" parts. By the time it got to the overly saccharine cliche "holiday get together" at the end I was mostly skimming. I really need to do myself a favor and stop reading romance novels-- but if it is your jam then I imagine one would like this just fine.


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