A Woman Of No Importance by Sonia Purnell

In honor of 2024's international Woman's Month I decided to devote some reading time to some unsung females and their heroic contributions to history--even if most of their accomplishments were shoved "under the rug". Such is the story of Baltimore socialite, Virgina Hall, an American spy who changed the course of WW2 by lighting the flame of the French Resistance. If you haven't read this book-- I highly recommend that you do--although it is more than a little discouraging to read--how the mysogynistic "old white guy" patriarchy downplayed her accomplishments, considerable knowledge, highly developed skills and bravery---simply because she was a woman who dared to presume she was more than capable of doing "manly" deeds.

Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

This book had been lurking in one of my many TBR piles for several years. I have to say I am glad to have finally read it, and it is amazing that this story behind the legendary 1893 World Fair in Chicago is not common knowledge. 

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