Books with the signs of the Zodiac in their titles are proving to be a bit elusive after Martha C. Lawrence stopped writing her pyschic private investigator series mid way through the astrological signs--really really really miss those books. Especially as it turns out that the majority of the remaining book options are sex, romance, S&M, and/or serial killer related. I persevere. And yes, fufilling this category is the only reason I picked up this book.
Part fact, part fictional speculation on the assassination of John F. Kennedy by a reknowned critically acclaimed author that was controversial when it was first published. The writing style is very choppy and the author quickly flicks from character to character, from past to the present, and from fact to speculation. I finished it but found it difficult to read and put it down multiple times.
I was only a couple of years old when JFK was assassignated so mostly I don't know enough to distinguish between fact and mere speculation--nor do I care too. However, I caught mysel several times fact checking and looking up non-fictional accounts of that fateful day in Dallas.
I will not be reading anymore of this author--and blame him for sparking an interest in reading more about the known vs. the conspiracy theories.
If you want great fiction regarding this infamous assassignation I recommend reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King.
The conspiracy theory "further reading" title that most intrigued me: The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case against LBJ by Roger Stone and Mike Colapietro