How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics by Al-Anon Family Groups

This year (2023) I abdicated my crown. I stepped down from my throne as the Queen of Denial. Plan and simple: My son is an alcoholic. As I write this today he is sober- a journey now measured in months not just days. He has found help staying sober in AA. I have been doing a lot of reading about addiction this year. As my son and his sponsor are taking a long slow journey through the pages the Alcoholic Anonymous "Big Blue Book", I, too, have taken a long slow read through the Al-Anon version of this Twelve Step Program.

We will both take our own paths on this journey but bottom line --It is not necessary for AA to work for me, but if it keeps my son on a sober path--then I am all for it. Whatever sober endeavor works for him works for me. He will ever have my love, concern, and compassionate support--regardless the path his journy takes.

I am still on the fence and have yet to attend a meeting but I am grateful to know that Al-Anon is there if and when I need it. I will likely give this book another read. Journal about my thoughts and reflections. Read more books. Stayed tuned I'm sure there will be more to say...

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