Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin

Really glad I stumbled across this book while I was searching for "healing through gardening" reads. A French novel about redemption, grief, and new beginnings. Told through several perspectives and all revolve around Violette who after a tragedy becomes a caretaker for a small rural cemetary. If I can find more of Ms. Perrin's novels translated from French I will definitely continue to read her novels. Most definitely reading time well spent.

The Roses of May by Dot Hutchison

This the second book in the author's Collectory Series. It holds remnants and characters from the first book (The Butterfly Garden) and adds a new serial killer to the mix. I am really enjoying this author, reading time well spent. Look forward to my next outing.

The Daisy Children by Sophia Grant

I really wanted to like this story more than I did. It has a great premise as it was inspired by the true events surrounding the New London, Texas school explosion in 1937. The story went back and forth in time, it had deep hidden family secrets, and the clearing out of an old house. But it also had a gazillion other side stories and these came at the expense of what could have been a more remarkable book. It was spread too thin, as if the author couldn't decide what story she wanted to tell so she just plopped in all of them. 

A Fall Of Marigolds by Susan Meissner

Loved this book. A book that switches back and forth in time. September 1911 and September 2011. Ellis Island, The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, and the collapse fo the World Trade Center towers. A book that has all the elements that make for well spent reading time.

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